Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2019
Generated 01-Oct-2019 00:16 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2019
Total Hits 7795
Total Files 7407
Total Pages 7504
Total Visits 1251
Total KBytes 87691
Total Unique Sites 1111
Total Unique URLs 59
Total Unique Referrers 62
Total Unique User Agents 101
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 10 6108
Hits per Day 259 6166
Files per Day 246 6143
Pages per Day 250 6156
Visits per Day 41 528
KBytes per Day 2923 62968
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 7407
Code 300 - Multiple Choices 5
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1
Code 304 - Not Modified 12
Code 403 - Forbidden 3
Code 404 - Not Found 367

Daily usage for September 2019

Daily Statistics for September 2019
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 255 3.27% 242 3.27% 242 3.22% 94 7.51% 95 8.55% 2458 2.80%
2 14 0.18% 10 0.14% 10 0.13% 10 0.80% 11 0.99% 99 0.11%
3 60 0.77% 55 0.74% 54 0.72% 52 4.16% 29 2.61% 125 0.14%
4 139 1.78% 130 1.76% 133 1.77% 65 5.20% 40 3.60% 1949 2.22%
5 11 0.14% 7 0.09% 6 0.08% 6 0.48% 10 0.90% 114 0.13%
6 13 0.17% 8 0.11% 8 0.11% 8 0.64% 12 1.08% 330 0.38%
7 12 0.15% 5 0.07% 5 0.07% 5 0.40% 11 0.99% 6 0.01%
8 516 6.62% 491 6.63% 496 6.61% 230 18.39% 232 20.88% 11114 12.67%
9 20 0.26% 17 0.23% 17 0.23% 8 0.64% 9 0.81% 689 0.79%
10 21 0.27% 9 0.12% 9 0.12% 9 0.72% 13 1.17% 226 0.26%
11 24 0.31% 12 0.16% 15 0.20% 12 0.96% 18 1.62% 445 0.51%
12 11 0.14% 6 0.08% 6 0.08% 6 0.48% 10 0.90% 202 0.23%
13 24 0.31% 13 0.18% 12 0.16% 11 0.88% 14 1.26% 304 0.35%
14 7 0.09% 3 0.04% 3 0.04% 3 0.24% 6 0.54% 106 0.12%
15 34 0.44% 10 0.14% 27 0.36% 9 0.72% 15 1.35% 303 0.35%
16 37 0.47% 11 0.15% 11 0.15% 10 0.80% 14 1.26% 430 0.49%
17 22 0.28% 14 0.19% 16 0.21% 16 1.28% 19 1.71% 764 0.87%
18 22 0.28% 13 0.18% 13 0.17% 12 0.96% 14 1.26% 435 0.50%
19 19 0.24% 10 0.14% 12 0.16% 11 0.88% 17 1.53% 543 0.62%
20 18 0.23% 11 0.15% 11 0.15% 10 0.80% 15 1.35% 218 0.25%
21 13 0.17% 8 0.11% 8 0.11% 7 0.56% 8 0.72% 7 0.01%
22 42 0.54% 15 0.20% 15 0.20% 13 1.04% 18 1.62% 126 0.14%
23 36 0.46% 20 0.27% 31 0.41% 20 1.60% 24 2.16% 643 0.73%
24 43 0.55% 14 0.19% 18 0.24% 10 0.80% 12 1.08% 223 0.25%
25 29 0.37% 9 0.12% 15 0.20% 8 0.64% 16 1.44% 113 0.13%
26 6166 79.10% 6143 82.94% 6156 82.04% 528 42.21% 524 47.16% 62968 71.81%
27 81 1.04% 51 0.69% 65 0.87% 25 2.00% 25 2.25% 348 0.40%
28 22 0.28% 13 0.18% 17 0.23% 12 0.96% 10 0.90% 542 0.62%
29 62 0.80% 38 0.51% 54 0.72% 23 1.84% 22 1.98% 1845 2.10%
30 22 0.28% 19 0.26% 19 0.25% 18 1.44% 10 0.90% 15 0.02%

Hourly usage for September 2019

Hourly Statistics for September 2019
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 0 15 0.19% 0 9 0.12% 0 9 0.12% 6 187 0.21%
1 0 28 0.36% 0 15 0.20% 0 18 0.24% 18 539 0.61%
2 1 39 0.50% 0 28 0.38% 0 28 0.37% 36 1088 1.24%
3 1 33 0.42% 0 18 0.24% 0 22 0.29% 15 455 0.52%
4 1 35 0.45% 0 18 0.24% 0 23 0.31% 4 116 0.13%
5 1 36 0.46% 0 22 0.30% 0 25 0.33% 19 558 0.64%
6 1 37 0.47% 0 23 0.31% 0 26 0.35% 39 1179 1.34%
7 2 66 0.85% 1 44 0.59% 2 61 0.81% 67 2014 2.30%
8 2 66 0.85% 1 42 0.57% 1 42 0.56% 31 920 1.05%
9 1 55 0.71% 1 32 0.43% 1 47 0.63% 14 425 0.48%
10 0 21 0.27% 0 10 0.14% 0 18 0.24% 8 235 0.27%
11 0 26 0.33% 0 17 0.23% 0 18 0.24% 10 305 0.35%
12 205 6173 79.19% 204 6120 82.62% 204 6137 81.78% 2073 62178 70.91%
13 2 79 1.01% 1 49 0.66% 1 49 0.65% 22 654 0.75%
14 1 50 0.64% 1 42 0.57% 1 44 0.59% 27 804 0.92%
15 1 42 0.54% 1 36 0.49% 1 35 0.47% 11 325 0.37%
16 1 41 0.53% 1 38 0.51% 1 38 0.51% 11 334 0.38%
17 0 21 0.27% 0 12 0.16% 0 12 0.16% 7 224 0.26%
18 0 27 0.35% 0 23 0.31% 0 24 0.32% 19 578 0.66%
19 0 26 0.33% 0 17 0.23% 0 18 0.24% 7 222 0.25%
20 14 426 5.47% 13 418 5.64% 13 418 5.57% 137 4122 4.70%
21 1 58 0.74% 0 26 0.35% 1 34 0.45% 11 338 0.39%
22 4 124 1.59% 3 96 1.30% 3 101 1.35% 237 7097 8.09%
23 9 271 3.48% 8 252 3.40% 8 257 3.42% 93 2791 3.18%

Top 30 of 59 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 6739 86.45% 68531 78.15% /stats/
2 446 5.72% 301 0.34% /
3 38 0.49% 2624 2.99% /stats/usage_201908.html
4 14 0.18% 947 1.08% /stats/usage_201903.html
5 10 0.13% 7 0.01% /dotMobiDIY/
6 10 0.13% 29 0.03% /postinfo.html
7 9 0.12% 9 0.01% /ControlPanel/
8 6 0.08% 635 0.72% /stats/usage_201812.html
9 6 0.08% 615 0.70% /stats/usage_201902.html
10 6 0.08% 637 0.73% /stats/usage_201907.html
11 5 0.06% 529 0.60% /stats/usage_201809.html
12 5 0.06% 539 0.62% /stats/usage_201810.html
13 5 0.06% 510 0.58% /stats/usage_201901.html
14 4 0.05% 368 0.42% /stats/usage_201603.html
15 4 0.05% 430 0.49% /stats/usage_201811.html
16 4 0.05% 401 0.46% /stats/usage_201904.html
17 4 0.05% 416 0.47% /stats/usage_201905.html
18 4 0.05% 420 0.48% /stats/usage_201906.html
19 3 0.04% 280 0.32% /stats/usage_201508.html
20 3 0.04% 269 0.31% /stats/usage_201509.html
21 3 0.04% 269 0.31% /stats/usage_201511.html
22 3 0.04% 306 0.35% /stats/usage_201610.html
23 3 0.04% 322 0.37% /stats/usage_201612.html
24 3 0.04% 324 0.37% /stats/usage_201701.html
25 3 0.04% 307 0.35% /stats/usage_201703.html
26 3 0.04% 304 0.35% /stats/usage_201704.html
27 3 0.04% 315 0.36% /stats/usage_201705.html
28 3 0.04% 321 0.37% /stats/usage_201706.html
29 3 0.04% 322 0.37% /stats/usage_201707.html
30 3 0.04% 319 0.36% /stats/usage_201708.html

Top 10 of 59 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 6739 86.45% 68531 78.15% /stats/
2 38 0.49% 2624 2.99% /stats/usage_201908.html
3 14 0.18% 947 1.08% /stats/usage_201903.html
4 6 0.08% 637 0.73% /stats/usage_201907.html
5 6 0.08% 635 0.72% /stats/usage_201812.html
6 6 0.08% 615 0.70% /stats/usage_201902.html
7 5 0.06% 539 0.62% /stats/usage_201810.html
8 5 0.06% 529 0.60% /stats/usage_201809.html
9 5 0.06% 510 0.58% /stats/usage_201901.html
10 4 0.05% 430 0.49% /stats/usage_201811.html

Top 10 of 54 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6739 86.45% 801 64.65% /stats/
2 446 5.72% 355 28.65% /
3 38 0.49% 10 0.81% /stats/usage_201908.html
4 6 0.08% 4 0.32% /stats/usage_201907.html
5 4 0.05% 3 0.24% /stats/usage_201603.html
6 14 0.18% 3 0.24% /stats/usage_201903.html
7 10 0.13% 2 0.16% /dotMobiDIY/
8 10 0.13% 2 0.16% /postinfo.html
9 3 0.04% 2 0.16% /stats/usage_201709.html
10 3 0.04% 2 0.16% /stats/usage_201805.html

Top 10 of 53 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6739 86.45% 801 65.23% /stats/
2 446 5.72% 339 27.61% /
3 38 0.49% 10 0.81% /stats/usage_201908.html
4 6 0.08% 4 0.33% /stats/usage_201907.html
5 4 0.05% 3 0.24% /stats/usage_201603.html
6 5 0.06% 3 0.24% /stats/usage_201809.html
7 4 0.05% 3 0.24% /stats/usage_201811.html
8 6 0.08% 3 0.24% /stats/usage_201902.html
9 14 0.18% 3 0.24% /stats/usage_201903.html
10 9 0.12% 2 0.16% /ControlPanel/

Top 30 of 1111 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 119 1.53% 119 1.61% 1212 1.38% 3 0.24%
2 118 1.51% 118 1.59% 1202 1.37% 4 0.32%
3 89 1.14% 89 1.20% 907 1.03% 2 0.16%
4 86 1.10% 73 0.99% 6343 7.23% 1 0.08%
5 71 0.91% 71 0.96% 723 0.82% 3 0.24%
6 54 0.69% 54 0.73% 550 0.63% 1 0.08%
7 54 0.69% 54 0.73% 550 0.63% 1 0.08%
8 54 0.69% 54 0.73% 550 0.63% 1 0.08%
9 54 0.69% 54 0.73% 550 0.63% 1 0.08%
10 53 0.68% 3 0.04% 3 0.00% 3 0.24%
11 53 0.68% 53 0.72% 540 0.62% 1 0.08%
12 52 0.67% 52 0.70% 530 0.60% 1 0.08%
13 50 0.64% 50 0.68% 509 0.58% 1 0.08%
14 50 0.64% 6 0.08% 6 0.01% 3 0.24%
15 49 0.63% 49 0.66% 40 0.05% 22 1.76%
16 47 0.60% 47 0.63% 479 0.55% 1 0.08%
17 45 0.58% 45 0.61% 458 0.52% 2 0.16%
18 44 0.56% 44 0.59% 19 0.02% 18 1.44%
19 43 0.55% 43 0.58% 2466 2.81% 7 0.56%
20 38 0.49% 38 0.51% 387 0.44% 3 0.24%
21 38 0.49% 38 0.51% 387 0.44% 2 0.16%
22 37 0.47% 37 0.50% 377 0.43% 2 0.16%
23 36 0.46% 36 0.49% 367 0.42% 1 0.08%
24 36 0.46% 36 0.49% 367 0.42% 1 0.08%
25 36 0.46% 36 0.49% 367 0.42% 1 0.08%
26 36 0.46% 36 0.49% 367 0.42% 1 0.08%
27 36 0.46% 36 0.49% 367 0.42% 1 0.08%
28 36 0.46% 36 0.49% 367 0.42% 2 0.16%
29 36 0.46% 36 0.49% 367 0.42% 1 0.08%
30 36 0.46% 36 0.49% 367 0.42% 1 0.08%

Top 10 of 1111 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 86 1.10% 73 0.99% 6343 7.23% 1 0.08%
2 43 0.55% 43 0.58% 2466 2.81% 7 0.56%
3 119 1.53% 119 1.61% 1212 1.38% 3 0.24%
4 118 1.51% 118 1.59% 1202 1.37% 4 0.32%
5 13 0.17% 12 0.16% 1096 1.25% 1 0.08%
6 89 1.14% 89 1.20% 907 1.03% 2 0.16%
7 71 0.91% 71 0.96% 723 0.82% 3 0.24%
8 54 0.69% 54 0.73% 550 0.63% 1 0.08%
9 54 0.69% 54 0.73% 550 0.63% 1 0.08%
10 54 0.69% 54 0.73% 550 0.63% 1 0.08%

Top 30 of 62 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 710 9.11% - (Direct Request)
2 620 7.95%
3 143 1.83%
4 139 1.78%
5 139 1.78%
6 139 1.78%
7 138 1.77%
8 138 1.77%
9 138 1.77%
10 137 1.76%
11 135 1.73%
12 135 1.73%
13 135 1.73%
14 134 1.72%
15 133 1.71%
16 133 1.71%
17 132 1.69%
18 132 1.69%
19 132 1.69%
20 131 1.68%
21 131 1.68%
22 131 1.68%
23 131 1.68%
24 130 1.67%
25 129 1.65%
26 129 1.65%
27 127 1.63%
28 127 1.63%
29 127 1.63%
30 126 1.62%

Top 15 of 101 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 6707 86.04% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
2 116 1.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/6.1; +
3 111 1.42% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36
4 85 1.09% LightspeedSystemsCrawler Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; W
5 71 0.91% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.
6 63 0.81% Go-http-client/1.1
7 57 0.73% python-requests/2.22.0
8 55 0.71% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
9 53 0.68% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1; http://www.opensiteexplo
10 49 0.63% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:50.0) Gecko/2010
11 48 0.62% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
12 28 0.36% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
13 26 0.33% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, li
14 21 0.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)AppleWebKit/537.36 (
15 17 0.22% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1), Mozi

Usage by Country for September 2019

Top 30 of 47 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 3962 50.83% 3817 51.53% 38677 44.11% Unresolved/Unknown
2 2236 28.69% 2033 27.45% 31993 36.48% US Commercial
3 399 5.12% 371 5.01% 3367 3.84% Network
4 322 4.13% 322 4.35% 4336 4.94% Russian Federation
5 173 2.22% 169 2.28% 2338 2.67% Germany
6 61 0.78% 61 0.82% 621 0.71% Brazil
7 58 0.74% 58 0.78% 591 0.67% Netherlands
8 56 0.72% 56 0.76% 570 0.65% United Kingdom
9 55 0.71% 55 0.74% 560 0.64% Colombia
10 55 0.71% 55 0.74% 560 0.64% Ukraine
11 38 0.49% 38 0.51% 387 0.44% Poland
12 35 0.45% 35 0.47% 357 0.41% US Educational
13 34 0.44% 34 0.46% 346 0.39% Spain
14 25 0.32% 25 0.34% 255 0.29% France
15 22 0.28% 22 0.30% 224 0.26% Italy
16 20 0.26% 20 0.27% 204 0.23% India
17 19 0.24% 18 0.24% 183 0.21% Argentina
18 18 0.23% 18 0.24% 183 0.21% Andorra
19 18 0.23% 18 0.24% 183 0.21% Austria
20 18 0.23% 18 0.24% 183 0.21% Uzbekistan
21 17 0.22% 17 0.23% 173 0.20% Non-Profit Organization
22 17 0.22% 17 0.23% 173 0.20% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
23 17 0.22% 17 0.23% 173 0.20% Bulgaria
24 17 0.22% 17 0.23% 173 0.20% Czech Republic
25 15 0.19% 15 0.20% 153 0.17% Kenya
26 13 0.17% 13 0.18% 132 0.15% USSR (former)
27 12 0.15% 12 0.16% 122 0.14% Honduras
28 11 0.14% 11 0.15% 77 0.09% Indonesia
29 9 0.12% 9 0.12% 92 0.10% China
30 8 0.10% 8 0.11% 82 0.09% Switzerland

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01